
'issues' at work have nothing to do with work.
No matter what job we do, at times, we feel that our efforts are
disproportionately great to the results or at other times while the result is
exactly or even more than what we wanted, we don't feel so good about
it… as if something is missing.
Many of us, in our workplace, experience injustice, stagnation, failure,
disappointment, competition, betrayal, doubt, rejection, limitation,
underestimation, insufficiency, futility…even if we adore what we do.
So we try to figure out what is wrong and we try new ways, different
approaches, new patterns of behaviour, current practices…
Sometimes we even change jobs, partners or appearance!...
But with the same outcome.
Before long, we're back to square one…
Lack of joy, abundance, recognition, justification, energy,
freedom, success, acceptance…
Until we say, 'Enough is enough!'
When we say, 'Enough is enough!' that's when it all begins.
Then comes the search, the redefinition, the insight, the ROUTE…
The Route to Our True Self…
Because that's where the answer lies.
That's when we comprehend…
That's when we realise that 'issues' at work have nothing to do with work.
That's when we find… the SOLUTION.
That's when … we experience life changes!
Hand in hand, during a 2-day, experiential, interactive Seminar, we take the ROUTE to our True Self and follow it step by step.
A unique life-changing experience!
With Evi Zouroudi
•Are you successful at work, but alone? Without a steady relationship in your life?The answers already lie within you.
• Do you do a very demanding job and no one acknowledges your efforts?
•Are you raising two children and working outside the home at the same time?
• While you are better and work more, does someone else always get the promotion or reward?
• No matter how much you've accomplished, do you always feel small and inadequate?
• Although you want to succeed so much, you don't take the step and remain at a standstill?
•You have the knowledge and skills, but do you stay on the job you dislike and isn't really you?
• Are you overly stressed about work?
• Do you feel wronged, are you spoken to badly or underestimated?
• Is work the only aspect of your life that's doing well?
• Have your children grown up and you want to go back to work?
• Can't you stay at a job for long?
• Do you have your own business and no support or help from those around you?
• Do you wonder if anyone realises how difficult managing the household is?
•Do you work nonstop and have abandoned yourself?
As long as you seek, find and accept them.
As long as you take the ROUTE and connect with
your True Self.
The Route - SEMINAR
An Interactive Seminar of Introspection, Meditation and
meaningful communication
It doesn't matter where your starting point is. Whether it is your desire
for self-knowledge and self-development or that point in your life when
you say "Enough is enough… I need something to change, I have to do
something for myself, something has to end, I want to feel free, I want to
speak up, I want to fulfil my dreams".
Whatever your "enough is enough" means, in a very short period of time
you will be thankful that it came up in your life, no matter how much it
may have hurt you or how hard and difficult it has been. This is because
your "enough is enough" forced you to make a decision: to find yourself.
One thing is for sure, through the ROUTE you will discover your true self,
you will find love, joy, abundance, wholeness, prosperity, wellness, the
We follow the ROUTE together.
It's not a formula that tells you what to do, neither a manual, nor
something unfamiliar or strange to you.
The ROUTE is YOURS. I just go along with you, I am beside you and I help
you to stand on nothing else but your own feet.
Along the ROUTE, through interactive speaking and healing meditations,
you release yourself from all emotional blockages, negative
programming, limiting beliefs, fears, attachments, bad habits and
physical symptoms.
You discover, accept and love yourself.
This is more than enough to see your life transform into a miracle!
The Route is revealing, unique, transformative. And each
one of us is at a different point.
This Route has no beginning or end. You simply realise at
some point in your life that it starts, when it actually has
already started. And that point is when you say 'enough is
enough'. And that 'enough is enough' may concern your
own introspection to find meaningful truths or may be
triggered by some incident or situation in your life that
makes you feel you can't handle your emotions or you don't
recognise yourself anymore, you are hurting, you wonder
'how could this have happened to me' or 'who am I really…
what am I doing'. It's that point when you feel the need to
change or rather rediscover yourself.
That point is here for you.
Your Route has already begun because quite simply, you
are reading what you are reading at this moment. If
didn't concern you, you wouldn't be reading it even if you
are telling yourself 'no, it does not concern me. I'm
reading out of curiosity'. 'I have made peace with myself'
or 'I think nothing of it' or 'I know all about this'.
That is what I told myself.
Until I said 'enough is enough'.
Until I discovered myself. Until I stopped making excuses,
sugarcoating things and resisting.
And I set off on this wonderful journry... the Route ...my ROUTE.